Here is a gripe for today. If you write a check for a service, and it bounces because you DON'T have an account there anymore, don't get all crabby with the person who calls and asks you about it, they didn't make you write it out of the wrong account! :?
I thought it would be funny to use Madonna on the Britney Thread but after discussions on the Forum under the screen name Grace Slick (who is an awesome singer) kept pointing to Sherry I changed to Madonna. Then the darn thing happened again under Madonna and all I want to do is discuss, debate and laugh. A friend or two suggested I use my real name and maybe that would stop it so we will see. Thank you and hope that gets you caught up. Sherry
The only thing worse than having your birthday on a monday, is having your bday on a monday when you feel like crap because of allergies and finding out that the realtor is coming tomorrow morning to take photos and videotape the house and knowing that you have to have it all nice and clean for them. UGH!
I got 3 of the homemade peanut butter eggs dipped in chocolate, sitting in the little corsage type box with the green easter grass....that the ladies in the Church Auxillary make, got 2 for the kids and one for DF. I got one every year as a child those things....they weigh about a pound a peice.