I hope ya'll aren't rubbing off on me! :lol: Nah, that's not it, just got a lot going on right now, the old too many things and not enough time routine.
Snappiness has got to be in the air!! I have been witchy all day today too. Thank goodness I was locked up in my office with the door shut all day, conference meeting, which was BORING!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how many times I almost fell asleep! I am so ready for Friday to get here and a 3 day weekend, although I know what I will be doing.....CLEANING!!!!! Do have to go to my nieces "graduation" party, (it is preschool), Friday night. She thinks she is the "bomb". Then I think we are going to my brother's for a cook out on Sunday. But the rest of the time will probably be trying to finish some things here at the house and waiting for word on my uncle. Too much going on at one time! Can't stand it. :?
Where's Cleo? She needs to get her calendar out so we can see who's time it is to be witchy :lol: I think it's almost mine
WOW! your surgeon didn't tell you to keep your incisions out of the sun for a good 3-6 months? :shock: Mine did... but then again I was cut probobaly triple what you were. :?
i will never understand why some people insist on going somewhere they know they are not welcome :shock: