Congratulations on the job! Now, when are you going to start taking my advice? You know I am a wise woman, and things always go better when you follow my advice! :lol:
Yes ma'am, thank you so much! Your house is so nice, all decked out! You obviously take alot of pride in your home. Thanks again!
Glad you can use it and thanks for the compliment but i know it needs a lot of work right now, last year with my foot and all did not get out in the yard hardly at all for maintenance or new planting and the whole house is in desperate need of powerwashing.
Kiddo had his easter egg hunt at school today... I just hit the MOTHER LOAD of candy. Sugar High here I come. Dubble Bubble is the best.:jester:
I'll call you if I get down there this week/end so we can catch up. KC 2, I haven't seen her since I went to her job a few weeks ago. :cry: Congratz Sherry, that's great news! :hurray:
I paid them all off in February and now I can't get the bas-My Friend to send me letters saying the accounts are closed! I am about to go postal!!!:boxing::banghead:
Well see if you can make your way down this way Monday - i am off but gotta get both vehicles inspected and i usually just take them across the street from the Clubhouse so i have somewhere to hang while they are getting done:idea:
Hope the rain holds off just for a little bit. I am trying my hand at the grill thing again! :hurray: