I'm always thinking that, especially when I'm in this local vicinity. I wonder how many of my neighbors are, and if my kids' teachers are. I usually don't talk about 4042 discussions with people I know, and wait and see if they bring it up on their own! They typically don't though.
I love woodsmoke... but not on a nice afternoon when I have my windows open. Bummer. Now I have to shut them.
My Thought for the day is... If anyone has a living grandparent...please don't forget to tell them that you love them. Its been a week since I buried my grandmother and I am having a hard time excepting that she is gone. How can I ease the pain that I am going thru?
Ro, so sorry to hear that. DH just buried his last grandparent, his Grandfather, two weeks ago tomorrow. :cry: I was just cleaning out some stuff in my kitchen and ran across an apron they gave us that had belonged to his Grandmother that just passed last year. It made me cry. I still have my Grandmother, I am closer to her than my own mother and I don't know how I wil go on if and when I lose her. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
My grandmother helped my parents raised me and my 2 brothers. We were extremely close with her. Now I have my dad's mother but the bond is not there. I feel bad about that. I was glad that I had the chance to spend a few weeks in NJ this summer with her but its so darn hard.
I don't have any living grandparents. My grandfather on my mother's side was my best friend and when he died I felt as though a piece of me died as well. Some say time heals but I think of him often and when seeing your Post cried. I can still smell both of my grandmothers' homemade bread. During the summer making ice cream reminds me of my grandfathers. Just wonderful memories that you and I are lucky to have. Remember the good times and pass those along to your children and grandchildren. I think that is what it is all about. My thoughts are with you, Sherry
I am so sorry to hear that. :cry: My grandma is one of my best friends. In fact, I'm getting ready to call her in a few minutes.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH TWC'S PAYXPRESS PAGE... IT WON'T LOAD... AND I'VE BEEN TRYING ALL FREAKING DAY! :x If they don't want our money, I'll be more than happy to NOT give it to them... at least not until they fix their darn website anyway. :roll:
Hey Ros, I went to a professional for mine! LOOKS GREAT!!!!!! I've also got some pix done at CVS and they really did a good job on them (bike pix)
1. You can't unless... (HGs terms) 2. You HAVE to remember that she loved you for YOU! 3. You should have been at peace with her BEFORE she passed (not trying to be ugly) - see below - Ros, I feel for you - I really do. I'm going throught the same thing with my grandma. She is the only one I have left, including grandaddys. She has refused dialysis (sp) as of 2 months ago. The poison in her body is VERY obvious, she is swollen, her short term memory is not as good as before, she's just not the same. It's obvious now. She is NOT complaining at ALL (if you knew her you'd understand me), she's happy, she wakes up singing and sings throughout the day. She KNOWS what is going on and has made her peace with the family and god. She's ready to go. All I can do is go see her when I can, Hug her, feed her, tell her I love her, take her something to eat (the food in the rest home sucks *** btw) and just be a good grandaugher to her and hopefully lift her spirits when I'm there. My heart goes out to you and your family. I KNOW it's hard BUT just know that you're a GREAT grandaughter whom she loved very much. If you need to talk, feel FREE to PM me or call me. HG (Sandy) 796-5284 (m)
Aaw Thanks My grandma had a heart attack about 4 years ago and she needed surgery because all the artieries were blocked to the heart but (stubborn italian lady that she was) she refused the surgery. She told the doctor that they were not going to make any money off her and that God was gonna take her as she was. So we knew than that it could happen at any time and she has been ready to go at peace. I am the selfish one....I was not ready to let her go. Its still came as a shock to me. Even tho she was ready to go...first thing every morning, she would say, "Thank You God for giving me another day". I guess the hard part is ...I can't visit her as often because her resting place is in Philadelphia so I feel so far away from her. I hope in time this will get easier because I am not sure how much more of this pain I can take.
I AM in your shooes!!!! I know some people would say that I'm weird about loosing Shelby (my av and BEST friend) but I STILL can't really let go of her. Its weird but I just can't do it! I had her cremated and wear her ashes around me neck every day, but dont have it in me to take her to the beach to her favorite spot to be "buried" - I'm the selfish person here. I'll be up in western PA in Nov want me to take something to her from you? Girl, you WILL be fine, I PROMISE!!!! You need to come to terms with it. YOU WILL BE FINE!!! Something I witnessed today was gma seeing the "family members" taking things OUT of a resident room and my gma was saying "I wonder if that man died". Well, he is in the hospitail and has just a few days left. My gma liked him and is upset about his future BUT she and I were talking about our GOOD times as a grandma and grandaughter AND about my little sista and our famly AND her friend in the nursing home who wont be here as of probably Friday. I'm very sad for the family and for my gma, because he was her friend. There are very few things I care about... 1. Family 2. Friends That's pretty much it.
Thats very sweet of you to ask. My anniversary is in November and instead of going to Williamsburg or Myrtle Beach, I was gonna surprise my grandma. But since she is gone, we will still plan our trip for NJ and will stop by Philly to visit with her. Since no one is using the house, we have to close the house down and have the water turned off...maybe donate the food that she has in the freezer. I doubt I can bring that all the way back to NC. Few neighbors are taking care of her plants that I would like to bring back with me. I don't think we can ever let go of our loved ones...just keep them close to our hearts.