Thanks Ready, the news was better today when i talked to her, it is just scary and frustrating not being there when i am so used to being the caretaker of the family. My Mom is getting up there but has always been the vision of health, never smoked, never drank, exercises, eats healthy, the whole bit and for her to get sick and not know what the problem was is just so out of the norm. But y'all are right it is a gorgeous day and the news was much better today so TGIF, come on 4pm:lol:
Random thought: I've got this plastic luggage tag holder thingy that I'm supposed to be putting my business card in, and it's so tight, I can't get it in! It's driving me nuts!! I'm like sweating over here trying to get it!
why don't you cut the edges of the business card, so its a bit smaller than the slot you are trying to get it in?
LMAO~! That's the first thing I thought of before I read your post. Random Thought... I hate family drama. :boxing:
That's actually not the problem, it's the way the luggage tag is made. Anyway, I finally got it, the 2nd one was easier than the first (kind of). As far as family drama, I'm experiencing the same thing right now, from hundreds of miles away! (that's one of the reasons I moved away!):jester: