I'm with ws, why can't they build a turn lane? Seriousy. It is a two lane highway. Is there one in the works? And I want to add, I was not bashing this church (although the steeple is ugly <wink>). I am ignorant when it comes to tithing/taxes and I do wish Ready were here to really "break it down" for me, biblically. Lastly, I am looking forward to the indoor play area. It would have been nice yesterday!
I'm gulity of this too, but that area would be a little safer to begin with if everyone would just slow down a little. Right there in that little area is 45 mph, I know I don't do any less than 50 when I am going through there... and I have had people pass me like I was standing still some times from two and three cars back. So yes there does need to be a turning lane but we all could slow down a little bit too.
Aside from not being 'called' Baptist, what makes them different? Is there a negative to being Baptist (I'm just curious)? If they're independent Baptists, they don't answer to the denomination, anyway? How long were they a church as Cleveland Baptist?
C3 is about removing barriers that keep people from going to church. There is nothing wrong with wearing a suit and tie to church, but un-churched people can be intimidated by it. That is why the dress at C3 is come as you are. The same thing goes for being called a baptist church. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. In fact, C3 is a member of the North Carolina Baptist and Raleigh Baptist Assoc. The name was changed from Cleveland Baptist to Cleveland Community so that the name of the church would not hinder someone from attending that might have had some bad experience at a baptist church in the past. Also, C3 is made up of folks from all different denominations...baptists, presbyterians, catholics, methodists, etc., hence the name community encompasses everyone. The beliefs are just as they have always been and are aligned with baptist doctrines.
WikiScanner for vBullitin be nice if this forum had something like a WikiScanner to test where comments come from, it sounds like Mr AnimalStuffer might work in the PR office of C3:lol:
A grounded response.... This person is only trying to give people out there who may be looking for real, positive information about C3 rather than negative, un-Christian-like hearsay that has been a part of the thread. As a member there, I understand that not everyone has a great experience there or feels that it is a church for them. That is okay, hopefully all people get connected and plugged into a church, it doesn't matter which one. That should be what all Christians strive for. For non-Christians, we pray for a day in which all people will find Jesus, but we do not judge against them for it. This is what C3 is all about. What is the world is wrong with that? This past week, we had over 50 people attend the monthly membership class, to me, this is amazing that there are that many people looking to find Jesus or get reconnected with God. I heard some amazing stories this week of where people were in the doldrums and coming to C3 has lifted them up (as I have said in previous posts, it has been a part in changing my life around) or they were so impressed with C3 after being so down on church in the past. These were real people and real stories and there are hundreds of these stories, I know because I meet them all of the time. Again, I ask, what is so bad about this? Each and every week for over 9 years since C3 started, people are saved and commit their lives to Jesus. Is not that what churches are supposed to be all about? Yes, I find it troubling that there are so many of you that for some reason have to talk bad about C3. I understand that when something is big and growing, it is always subject to controversy, you can not please everyone. They are building a big worship center because they have a 9:00 and 11:00 service on Sunday which are full. They have 2 Saturday services that have stretched the staff and volunteers thin. They need a bigger worship center because they are trying to have more seats for people on the Sunday services. Makes sense to me. For those of you that have never been there and have continue to make baseless commentary towards C3, it would be nice if you could make it clear that you have no idea what you are talking about when posting as people that read this discussion board are trying to use it to find out what is really going on. If you are reading this post and you are someone that has occasionally gone to church but has strayed away and lost faith.. Or maybe you are just a non-believer and you don't really feel like you have a purpose in life. Maybe you have a family and everyone in your family is going there own selfish way and you are trying to find a way to bring them close together. Come check it out. What have you got to lose? C3 or any church for that matter will not solve your problems and provide instant happiness. But it could possibly change your perpsective on life, inspire you and your family and help you want to help others. May God Bless All of You! "The Lord Will Give Strength To His People. The Lord Will Bless People With Peace" Psalm 29-11.
In my case I wish you wouldn't, I think your efforts should be focused on more important things, such as eliminating hunger. But I understand that you have to keep gathering sheep to keep that church afloat.
I'm convinced C3 and all Christians are indeed a JOKE! J - JESUS O - OUR K - KING E - ETERNAL I'm B3 for C3! Born again, blood bought, and bound for glory! Hopefully, I can get down for another visit and worship service this Sunday. I want to see the progress since my last visit.
Hughey.....are you really that stupid? Please tell me there is some sort of intelligence in that rock of yours.:roll:
Blus, would you quit flicking those boogers at Hught? You keep missing him, and I am tired of cleaning my screen!!!