OK now that the yellow is gone. Restart the PC with the MP3 connected. Once you have got your PC booted back up open "My Computer". Do you see the device anywhere in there? It should be towards the bottom. UNder the Floppy (A drive), Hard Disk (C drive) and the cdrom(s) (d and e drives) Is it there?
Ken, Here's a local link for cheap enclosures. The Tritton - TRI-NSS001 looks like a pretty good deal. You'll have to cut and paste the URL, seems 4042 has a prob with the tail on that link. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/category/category_slc.asp?page=2&Nav=|c:207|&Sort=3&Recs=10 I'm coming home through Atlanta on Friday (1/6/06) if you want something picked up. I'll be home by Saturday noon.
Jennifer~ Is it working now? I asked my DH and the first thing out of his mouth was "she rebooted, right?". The next thing was that he told me to remember how I had to get the updates for my new software while I was installing it yesterday. Do you have those downloaded now too? I really hope it's working! Frogger