Well if I knew what the answer was I would. But since I am undecided then I guess it's up in the air...as previously posted TWICE. Numbskull.
More of the juvenile name calling. At this point you have to be registered to vote in a particular county. Either you are or you are not registered to vote in Johnston County. Why are you hiding that answer?
Members challenge candidates to come here and answer questions. For candidates to come and introduce themselves. And this is the behavior y'all show?!? This entire thread is nothing but a joke. Go ahead and continue the banter back and forth but I truly hope no candidate stops by this thread and attempts to converse.
Actually you are incorrect on your information. A new law allows you to register the same day you vote during the Early Voting. on the front page of the April 10th N&O: "Because of a new state law in NC a person can register and vote during the early voting period, from April 17 to May 3rd. Go to a designated early voting site, show id to register to vote, and then cast a ballot."
I never registered where I am now. I am still registered in Johnston County. Hell I still pay vehicle taxes in Johnston County.
Since you do not know me from Adam, or should I say Eve, I accept your apology for the poor attempt at a lame insult.
I stand corrected. If that is the case then my original concerns about immigration problems in NC are justified. If you only have to show an ID to register to vote and the NC DOT are handing out drivers licenses to illegals then it is indeed a problem.
Resorting back to his halarious use of urban talk. I just can't get enough of that funny stuff. :roll: