Thanks for gracing us with your presence while you are on vacation... and by the way, you spelled my name wrong... 'Hotness' will do that to you.... LOL.....hahahahahaha
Are you legal or illegal, the reason for the question is I have learned on this forum that most people will hate you if you are illegal. :mrgreen:
Well looks like I'm a little late for this one but anyway here we go. 39 for the first time LOL Divorced 2- Teenage sons which are Moms heart! And Bartender and for those of you who know me know where,,,lets put it like this if you have been to the post about the 4042 lunch you will see me there. LOL Four Legged baby!! If you look at Brens' avatar that would be my baby lol well the pic looks like him not actually him lol. 1 1/2 yr chihuahua his name is gizmo.
45 Married/1 child about to leave the nest/work full-time, student part-time/user name is my favorite philospher.
What is it? Is it new and what do they all have. is it for kiddies. I think thats all teh ???? I have for ya.