it should say change your rwin to blah blah or change mtu to blah blah...or it might just say rwin is in range, etc. your dl speed is right in line, but your ul isnt. you should be very happy youre getting what you are. fyi, your line is 512/512..
OK SpaceC you seem to know alot about this - so 1st how did you know that my line was 512/512 - I was told it was bigger when they 'supposedly' fixed all the problems they were having and - I don't see where the tweak thing said/recommened any changes? I copied everything it said into the reply? What is ul ? I assume you are being facious when you say I should be happy - becuase based on what you are seeing it could really be alot worse? Also, has anyone had DockPoint them they would penalize them if they canceled thier service b/4 the year was up? Thanks alot for all the advice as it will help when I show up at DP's front desk again - mader then hell!!
Grinch, Hopefully this image will help out some. At the bottom of the Tweak Test results, you'll find "Notes and Recommendations" at the end of each column. If they have recommendations for how to improve your connection, you'll usually find a link there also to the FAQ to tell you how to make the adjustment. The "Notes and Recommendations" sections are marked with the red arrows. If you have all "happy faces", then there isn't anything they are listing for you to change.
512/512 is all dp offers. ul = upload. yup, your speed could be a lot worse. when i had their crappy service, i averaged 90/10 :evil: but of course their "helpdesk" said the problem was on my end. i was told that a pentium 3 1 ghz with 512 mb ram was not enough lol. i was told that their service would not work unless i had a 2.5 ghz cpu and at least 1 gb of ram (isnt that the funniest thing youve ever heard?) i had been planning on building a new one so i did.... pentium 4 3.0 ghz, 1 gb twin xms ram, etc ....same old crap. it was still my fault lol. i knew the computer was not the issue, but they insisted it was, so i built it just to prove them wrong. anyways, yeah i had to pay 150 to get out. it was a horrible experience from beginning to end.
ugh - I am just getting grinchier my the minute!!! OK so I tested today after making anoher pived off call to DP and I was told my speed was increased and they had worked on the tower. (I am on their wireless service - don't know if that make a hell of beans or not?) - and was told I was at 1.5 and higher service. Same old song and dance......... So I tested it today and found - 2005-05-12 17:06:41 EST: 2109 / 1736 Your download speed : 2160464 bps, or 2109 kbps. A 263.7 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 1778332 bps, or 1736 kbps. Which is obviously better then before ........... but......... its up its down its slow its fast. Is the above new information indicitive that they have found away to give me better service (better then 512K) or is it still 512. If it is still 512 I am outa there - and they can stand in line for the 150.00 bucks!
Grinch - your new speed test is definitely much better than what you first listed. Based on that last one, you are over the 512 mark, so you should see a performance difference, especially if you are downloading large files.
2005-05-13 11:42:09 EST: 1970 / 476 Your download speed : 2018149 bps, or 1970 kbps. A 246.3 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 487685 bps, or 476 kbps.
Sorry for the poor formatting. Looks like we got worse than an "UGH!"... We are on Netzero "Platinum" dialup (~$15/month). We've been looking into DSL or Cable modem, but the choices around here seem to be RR or Dockpoint and from what I can tell, RR is a bit pricey for our budget, and DP does not seem to have the best reputation. I'm open to any ISP recommendations- price definitely IS a factor here though...... Kel. --------------------------------- 2005-07-14 20:35:51 EST: 34 / 17 Your download speed : 35679 bps, or 34 kbps. A 4.3 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 18236 bps, or 17 kbps. Yours «34 down «17 up
2005-07-16 16:58:45 EST: 4218 / 354 Your download speed : 4319674 bps, or 4218 kbps. A 527.3 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 363483 bps, or 354 kbps. Time Warner/RR
1432 / 463 Your download speed : 1467223 bps, or 1432 kbps. A 179.1 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 475001 bps, or 463 kbps. Boing!
Last Result: Download Speed: 4091 kbps (511.4 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 349 kbps (43.6 KB/sec transfer rate) 2005-07-17 13:05:58 EST: 3954 / 347 Your download speed : 4049891 bps, or 3954 kbps. A 494.3 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 356057 bps, or 347 kbps. Using the dslreports link.
2005-07-17 18:15:04 EST: 457 / 129 Your download speed : 468742 bps, or 457 kbps. A 57.2 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 132728 bps, or 129 kbps.
2005-07-17 22:20:23 EST: 4180 / 348 Your download speed : 4280713 bps, or 4180 kbps. A 522.5 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 356677 bps, or 348 kbps. Roadrunner