The Upper Room - all things Christian

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  2. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  3. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  4. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  5. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    ^ :hurray: Praise God!
  6. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  7. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  8. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  9. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  10. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  11. Faith Fest - FREE Christian Concert for Youth!

    Please help me spread the word about our upcoming event!!!

    DOVE and Juno Award Winner “Downhere” to Headline Christian Music Festival in Downtown Smithfield

    Smithfield, NC - On Saturday, September 27, 2008, youth from Johnston and surrounding counties are invited to attend the annual “Faith Festival” at the Neuse River Amphitheater in Downtown Smithfield.

    The free concert will be held from 5:00pm till 10:00pm with DOVE, Juno, and Covenant Award winning Christian rock band, Downhere performing material from their new CD “Ending is Beginning”, as well as their hits from their 3 previous CD’s. Also performing will be the Michael Gungor Band, Flowers for Faye, Embracing Goodbye, and PB&J. Downhere performance will start at 8:30pm.

    “We have always felt fortunate to have an outdoor venue located on the banks of the Neuse River here in Downtown Smithfield,” states Chris Johnson, Executive Director of the Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation and concert organizer. “It is a perfect location for a concert of this type, and judging from the number of calls my office has already received about having Downhere perform, the banks will be packed.”

    The festival is being organized by the Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation, and supported financially with the help from various churches from across Johnston County, and local businesses.

    “We wanted to reach out to the youth by offering them a very high energy type of entertainment but with a Christian message,” expressed Tommy Cooke, Youth Director of First Baptist Church and one of the many concert sponsors. “We wanted to make sure that the music was something that would be appealing to the youth and that they would enjoy.”

    Organizers are hoping that area church youth leaders will encourage their groups to attend the festival since there is no cost to attend the concert.

    “With the quality entertainment lined up, we expecting big things,” continues Johnson. “We are taking the approach that if we can change the life of just one young person, then it will all be worth it.”

    A map of Downtown Smithfield and the Neuse River Amphitheater can be found at the Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation website located at For more information, to volunteer, or to make a contribution to the “Faith Festival”, please contact Chris Johnson at the website mentioned, or by calling the Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation office at 934-0887.


  12. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  13. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  14. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    I think this is the first time I have posted on this thread but felt the need to do so after reading so many hate/fear filled threads on this board. I have a lot of opinions and beliefs that I really don't need someone to try and prove me wrong on, just read and take it for what its worth.

    Many people always asked what does being a christian mean to you, well here is what it means to me. My parents taught me early on in my life that people will always question me for believing in something that I can not see or touch, that blind faith is not a good thing. Well I see this completely different I think its a wonderful thing to believe in the good of something or someone that you don't know or can't see, its amazing to me. They told me people will kill those that do believe in god and they told me to never flinch when ask "do you believe in god" and to this day I will not flinch, I know that god loves all his children so I try to do the same. I am not a perfect christian nor will I ever be, and my past is filled with things that others would cringe at. But forgiveness is such a wonderful thing and something that so many take for granted. God told us to love all people, even those that may not love us or that may wish harm upon us and not to fear for he will protect his children. I am a strong believer in this, I know when its my time it will be by gods will and no one elses. If he wants me to die at the hand of an enemy or behind the wheel of my car, I know he will be there for me and my family. I trust blindly and try to be the best that I can be, without making someone else feel less worthy or dumb. Today to many people have hearts filled with fear and hate and that is not the intentions of god. I believe he wanted us to love our neighbors and ourselves. To teach others whether believers or not.
  15. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    :iagree: I love it when people read my mind and put into words what I've been wanting to say so thank you. My God is a forgiving God who died for people's sins. Even Barak Obama's and the Islamic terrorists. I don't think he went around encouraging people to see other people as evil. And as was said again I will not be made to believe otherwise by any youtube videos, a zillion Bible passages that have a slanted interpretation or any of the other methods that are used on this board to try and convert others to taking up the banner of hate.
  16. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    You two have read me completely wrong. I don't hate people of any faith. Do I, at times, feel hatred towards terrorists who try to kill Americans, Christians, and Jews - yes - but that's because I'm still a flesh and blood human, even though I'm a Christian. I'm not perfect and have never claimed to be. Even though I follow Him, I'm not Jesus!

    Why don't you scroll up some and see what I posted in response to Kent's post on 8/15. I meant that! And I hope someone like Osama Bin Laden will give his life to Jesus Christ and become my spiritual brother. But unlike the radical Islamics, we Christians don't try to force that on him by acts of terrorism. All we can do is pray for him. Do I pray for him? Well, when I pray that God will soften the hard hearts of ALL unbelievers, then yes, I'm praying for Bin Laden's hardened heart as well. Does that mean that I am going to lie on my back like a scared puppy and let an unrepentant terrorist try to destroy the country that belongs to me and my children? Absolutely not! This isn't about hate people. This is about being awake. All I'm doing is saying, "WAKE UP, AMERICA!"

    If y'all don't get that, I'm terribly sorry. Will I continue to post links to Christians and preachers teaching and preaching on radical Islam? You bet'cha! ;)
  17. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    They are teaching hate and rage of americans to there children, which in some since is what you are doing by posting links to youtube video's, news article's, etc.. you are trying to invoke fear and hate toward someone you don't know or don't understand. Its one thing to educate yourself, but unless you plan on joining the Military to fight our enemies then you can do no more than read. So I do not have my head stuck in the sand and I'm not asleep on the issue, I just refuse to teach my child to hate someone they don't know or understand. I'd rather teach him to pray for those that he don't know and understand. Teaching him to fear is not the way to do it. God will protect him or call him home when its time.

    Thats all!
  18. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Mom2~1boy, please show me where I said anything about teaching children anything about politics or terrorism? I'm talking about grown ups waking up and educating themselves about a threat to our country, not about teaching hate to their children. Once again, try watching Dr. Jeremiah's sermon entitled "Islamic Terrorism" - and pay close attention to the end where he says we need to be in prayer for our enemies as well as for our friends.

    This thread is not the place for this so I'm done with this in here.
  19. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Not really the place for this. Let this thread be about good things. Ready has Christian values and I think she is just trying to spread God's word too and we do not know what God has called her to do. The things posted may not be what you agree with but know that alot is also backed by scripture. It is not hate filled but just try to think on the positive side of things that maybe she is just trying to show deceit of others who may not know.....

    God loves us all!! That is something we should be posting. :) So I am not being rude here or a smarty pants but just know that you do not know what is in her heart.
  20. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    I have never and will never call in to question her faith, for I know it is strong. And this thread is about all things Christian whether good or bad. And I feel things like this should be discussed, maybe we could both learn things for each other..

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