They Found the Missing Harnett Co. Baby

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kdc1970, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. bystander

    bystander Well-Known Member

    This is truly sad. I feel so sorry to kids born to parents who don't seem to know how to care for them.
    This morning on WRAL, I saw the father's father interviewed ( baby's grandfather ). As sorry as I feel for the family, I still can't quite understand the dynamics there. The grandfather's was distraught saying that at least his son had the chance to hold the baby, he never would. Unless he was locked up prison somewhere, why couldn't HE have visited the baby? He's had 11 months to get up a trip to see her. Who knows, if he'd been involved - or some other extended family besides the materal grandmother who apparently was involved - the outcome could have been different.
    I just can't imagine if I had a grandchild and hadn't seen it and nearly a year had passed. I don't mean to sound judgmental but seems like too little too late.
  2. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    This whole thing has left me speechless. If I started speaking, well there is not telling where I would go! I have been reading all the stories on this and I want to slap her so hard that it isn't funny. My heart breaks for the father and her other children!
  3. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I was wondering some of the same things, Melynda. Another site I found, commented on her few pics of IRL fam/friends and 25 of her FF Family. I have heard people involved in some role-playing games get truly addicted. On the news last night, they commented on the filth of the home. It is possible she got caught up in being online (or maybe PPD, or stress/depression of caring for all those chldren herself) and maybe the baby fell, or drowned in the bathtub, or any other preventable accident.
  4. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    I agree ... it was too wierd to see all the fantasy pictures. I would have expected pictures like that from a pre-teen/teen not a grown woman. I can get caught up with that stupid bouncing ball game on this site sometimes (somebody please spill the beans and tell me what strategy you use to get those high scores) - but my kids will always come before some silly computer game. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it turned out that something tragic happened to Harmony while her Mom was too caught up in a game to be a mother. I was horrified when I listened to all the carrying on she was doing in the 911 call. Too bad she was crying to protect herself & cover her tracks ... rather than for the loss of her baby. She was sooooo wrong for the way she handled this. The idiot who gave birth to Harmony deserves no sympathy but I really feel so sorry for the kids & her husband.
  5. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I read in a news article, in the items they found in the trash near where they found Harmony was an X-box game system...... :?
  6. casidycoop

    casidycoop Guest

  7. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  8. reeteach2

    reeteach2 Well-Known Member

  9. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    I can no longer look at pictures of baby Harmony without crying. Too sad :(
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    A darling little baby girl, wasn't she?

    I'm not sure about burial benefits for children of active military. I tried googling, and all I could find was info on burial benefits for deceased Veterans, or child benefits for the children of deceased veterans.

    No matter, I am still going drop off some cash.
  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Death penalty sought against mother in toddler's death

  12. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Can I flip the switch?!?!? :evil:
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    You're gonna have to fight me for it, Red! Looking back over our posts when this happened, I wish that baby *had* died from some quick preventable accident - rather than suffer for days.
  14. seabee

    seabee Guest

    I call tails... 8)
  15. seabee

    seabee Guest

    no argument here...
  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    It *is* a good idea, PrdMafia.
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

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