Maybe zoo, the apple did not fall far from the tree. And IMO this chick is worse than Susan Smith. Susan Smith's charade went on for a few days, and she actually showed emotion. This girl went what, over a month? No emotion, no nothing. Susan Smith's murderous ways were prompted by a letter from her lover jilting her due to not wanting the baggage (kids) and this girl just couldn't get a sitter? There is I watch sometimes, Most Evil, and they have a scale where people like this are profiled. I don't remember where she placed on the scale, but I don't think it was as high as other "mothers" who did the same thing. I am curious as to where Caylee's incubator would place.
That's a disturbing page - to think that people - humans can actually fit into categories of evil. From the beginning the whole thing was strange - Casey (the incubator) tells her family that she's going on a mini-vacation and disappears for almost a month, then they find out she was just staying with her boyfriend. Then she owns up to the child being missing and that the babysitter stole her and she's running her own investigation - which never happened and the supposed apartment hadn't been rented to anyone for close to 6 months. The grandmother is the one to call the police and states about the daughters trunk smelling like decomp - later to recant it saying if you took a slice of pizza and tossed it in the trunk for weeks it would smell bed, but cadaver dogs zone in on it as human decomp. The incubator states that she believes Caylee is close to home - and they find what is very likely her body just blocks from her parents home. The whole deal with finding grass and soil disturbed in the backyard as well as in the trunk - maybe she first buried the child in the yard, or attempted to and changed her mind, put her in the trunk and left her there while she figured out where to hide the body??? If Casey Anthony ends up walking it will be a sorry day for children. I hope they are able to tie her internet searches for clorophorm (sp?) and breaking necks etc. to the death of the child. Sick people in this world. I've gotta go to work, grateful I work with a species that has more compassion.
DNA tests confirm remains are Caylee Anthony
Shoot you were quick on this I was just ready to put it out there. Why should that surprise me. Always a step behind. That is fine. :cheers:
Did anyone else see the story where they said that they found a book near the body that she was photographed reading??? I mean it goes without saying that the mother was f'ed up doing what she did but I think she must have literally been on drugs or something if she left behind a book like that.
True.. this all just completely distubs me and its so so pathetic. Bad enough to take your own life, but your precious little child I just can't get over that.
I thought I heard some crap of the area they found her being tampered with or something of that nature.
Please don't say just made my stomach turn!!!!! It's bad enough that this woman killed her beautiful little girl. That alone makes her a complete see her behavior partying at clubs afterward and laughing and dancing and carrying truly confirms she is a complete psychopath. She is so hated by the public that if she does get off, I am sure that she will get enough threats that she will always have to look over her shoulder. I personally think she is going to get life without parole....she may escape the death penalty. One thing she can't run from is that authorities have forensically traced a decomposing body in the trunk of her car and have detected traces of chloroform back there also. Nancy Grace is giving awesome coverage about this case by the way.
Trust me....I agree with you 110% But you also hear about cops tempering with the evidences and such. And so on. I wish they would just hang her and be done with it.
A public one with opcorn: and :cheers: available. She won't get off, the question is who else will be charged for aiding.
Why are you stating the above (just asking, no hidden agenda at all on my part). I would really like any answer(s), if possible. Sherry
I have so many questions that I don't even know where to start..... 1) The guy who found her called it in a while back and never heard back from anyone, why? 2) It was called in by this guy more than once and finally someone listened, why? 3) Searchers did not see what he saw when searching, why? 4) If the body was moved from the back yard of the grandparents' house how did the grandparents not hear or see anything? 5) I love my child but if she did this I would not support her, if I suspected. Why are the grandparents not supporting the grandchild and demanding that their daughter give up a statement of each second? 6) Why did anyone wait so long to bring in the police? Come on...if my child told me that my grandchild was with someone for a month or so, I would take a "road trip". No doubt in my mind. Just a few things on my mind, Sherry