Wake Sheriff Admits To Affair

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ncmom, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    Affair clouds sheriff race
    Harrison camp reacts to revelation

    Harrison had affair with wife of optometrist.
    Thomasi McDonald, Staff Writer
    RALEIGH - The campaign of Wake County Sheriff Donnie Harrison quickly went into damage control Thursday, charging that the revelation of his affair with a Garner optometrist's wife had to be politically motivated.
    Democrats saw the news as a late boost to their candidate, former Sheriff John H. Baker, while Harrison loyalists downplayed the effect on the Republican's re-election effort.

    "There's no denying there was an affair, but the marriage was doomed before the affair happened," said Harrison's campaign adviser, Ballard Everett. "Then suddenly, six days before the election, this appears? That says there's got to be a lot of political motivation behind this."

    But Andrew Cook, who owns the Garner Family Eye Care Center, said the affair began five months after he married Jodi Cook. He said that he blames Harrison for the breakup of his marriage and that he has no political motivations. Cook noted that he supported Harrison in 2002, when Harrison unseated longtime sheriff Baker. Wake County Board of Election records show that Cook and his wife contributed $455 to Harrison's campaign that year.

    "It obviously has been devastating for me, partly because I was actually supporting Donnie Harrison's campaign and going to rallies," said Cook, who is divorcing his wife. "He was supposedly a close friend of mine. I even had him speak to the men's group at my church. It's the roughest thing I ever been through."

    Andrew Cook recorded a conversation with his wife, Jodi, in which she acknowledged the affair. He also recorded a phone message from a man he says is Harrison admitting to the affair and apologizing, saying it occurred during a time when he was "vulnerable."

    Harrison, who initially said he would not comment on Cook's allegations, acknowledged the affair after listening to the recordings. He called the release of the tapes "politics at its worst."

    Harrison also said there were other problems in the couple's marriage. "I did not cause the breakup of Jodi and Andy Cook." Everett said Harrison, 60, is still dating Jodi Cook, 35.

    Andrew Cook said the affair began in October 2001, shortly after his marriage and at the onset of Harrison's 2002 campaign. Harrison's wife, Gail, had died of lung cancer Aug. 5, 2001, 10 days before the couple's 36th wedding anniversary.

    Andrew Cook, 55, said phone records obtained by a private investigator he hired show his wife and Harrison called each other up to 100 times each month between 2001 and 2004.

    "She would literally kiss me goodbye in the morning and talk to him on the way to work," Cook said. Cook said he found out about the affair in 2004 after hiring the private investigator. Cook and his wife separated in February 2005.

    Jodi Cook was unavailable for comment, but her attorney, Johnny S. Gaskins of Raleigh, said he does not know the specific reason for the divorce but he thinks the revelation was politically motivated.

    "Dr. Cook appears to be upset by the divorce proceedings and thinks he can probably cause Sheriff Harrison some problems just before the election," he said.

    In addition to his divorce lawyer, Andrew Cook has hired a second attorney, Hayes Hoffler of Durham, to review the possibility of filing a lawsuit against Harrison for alienation of affection and criminal conversation. Cook said he tried to avoid public attention by offering to settle with Harrison out of court. Hoffler mailed a letter to the sheriff about a year and a half ago to negotiate the settlement, largely because Cook said the divorce proceedings are affecting his health.

    Harrison, represented by Gaskins, refused the offer. Everett said the amount Cook wanted was tantamount to extortion. "I have not seen the letter, but it appeared to be 'I'll let this go away if you pay me a bunch of money,' " Everett said.

    The Cooks met at the First Presbyterian Church in Garner.

    "I was hoping to find somebody at the church that was a life mate," Cook said. "I expected to be with her for the rest of my life."

    He said he and his wife "had no major issues. ... I thought she ... everybody thought she loved me to death. We were youth counselors at our church. Everybody thought we were the perfect couple."

    Andrew Cook said his wife's affair with Harrison is the sole reason for the divorce.

    "It's been pretty tough," Cook said. "They were two people I believed in. I spent a lot of time campaigning and telling people what a good fellow he was, and he was sleeping with my wife."

    Everett said he did not think the revelation about Harrison would hurt him politically.

    "I think the general public is very forgiving if people admit their mistakes and admit they are human," he said.

    In television and radio appearances Thursday, Harrison admitted the relationship with Jodi Cook began while she was married but denied being the cause of her divorce. Harrison also tried to explain that after the death of his wife, he was looking for someone to lean on.

    At any rate, Harrison's supporters say that how he spends his time outside work shouldn't influence voters.

    "It hasn't got a thing in the world to do with his job," said Richard Gulley, a Harrison campaign contributor who has known the sheriff for 20 years. "It's something coming up ... because of a jealous man who lost his wife."

    But Matthew Danielson, chairman of the Western Wake Democrats, said the affair would cut into Harrison's base.

    "For the conservative Republican who believes in family values, this will play into their decision Tuesday," Danielson said. "It will cost him."

    Baker, the former sheriff seeking to regain the office, could not be reached for comment.
    * First, the jilted husband or wife can sue the spouse's lover for "alienation of affection" and adultery, called "criminal conversation." But to win, family lawyers say, the person suing has to prove that the lover ruined the marriage. North Carolina is one of only a few states that allow such suits, which have produced a few verdicts of $1 million or more.

    The General Assembly has come close in recent years to abolishing these kinds of suits but has not done so.

    * Second, a rarely enforced state criminal statute makes unwed cohabitation and adultery misdemeanors. The status of that law is in question, though, after a trial judge ruled it unconstitutional last summer in several Eastern North Carolina counties.

    In that ruling, the judge also said the adultery prohibition is void because the statute's wording doesn't support it.
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Politically motivated? I think it was vengeance motivated.
    Harrison, his friend, had an affair with his wife. I probably would also lay a few well timed suprises for this "gentleman" and politics would only be a tool in my plans.
  3. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Yes, but Harrison's campain knew about the potential disclosure a year and a half ago ... why not deal with it then? The article posted by PoorBear said Harrison came clean only after hearing tapes.

    For 3+ years Harrison misrepresented himself. If people close to him did not know this was going on ... how is one to know if his actions as a sheriff have been with honor and honesty? I'm just playing devils advocate here.
  4. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    The Cook's are still married, in the process of divorcing. Separated. Donnie Harrison still dating Mrs. Cook. Hard for friends/campaign supporters not to know about this affair.
  5. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    So when the Sheriff goes to schools and tells kids, "Don't do this!", Are they supposed to follow that guidance or follow his example?

    Leaders not only have to talk the talk, it's far more critical to Walk the Walk.

    Rev Haggard has issues now....and even it's politically targeted, says much about a vehement opponent of alternate life style issues, vocally opposing them, yet allegedly dabbling in the pool he disparages.
  6. Raven

    Raven Well-Known Member

    ncmom wrote
    I don't think so,Now, if it had been with a man I would agree with you :wink: A 60 yr. old man keeping up with a young 35 yr. old woman
    in her prime,he11,my hats off to Donnie,Kudos to the Man

    Vote for the Man,Donnie Harrison
    Oops,I almost forgot,,Good Morning Screen Doors :lol:
  7. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    This is --WAY-- old NEWS.... just MUD slung in time for the Election.
  8. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    i'm with hught here, definately. it might be in perfect time for the election, but honestly i'd just be using the election to get revenge on him. this might be politics too, but it was personal first, and its still personal now.
  9. Fighting Camel Still

    Fighting Camel Still Well-Known Member

    60 yr old man...dating a 35 yr old woman?? Just like my old grandpappy used to tell me:

    "Son, even a old mouse still likes cheese"!!!
  10. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I can't imagine dating a man 25 years my senior....

    But I guess just like with everything else, don't knock it till you try it, lol.....
  11. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    The issues are a little bit different there. When the sheriff goes to school to tell the kids, "Don't do this!" isn't he talking about drugs and gang activity? I haven't seen any allegations of anything like that.

    On the other hand, Rev. Haggard is an anti-gay activist, and accused of hiring a male prostitute. He first denied everything, but now his church says he admits some of the allegations, without specifying which ones.
  12. stonecold

    stonecold Guest

    Don't like in Wake county but having lived there I know this. John Baker is an arrogant, grouch who is bitter he lost 4 years ago. He says he knew nothing about the disclosure. Yeah, right. Just like the guy in Garner who was roughed up at Applebee's was going to sue before Baker went by to talk to him. This is dirty politics
  13. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    He has confessed to the Meth use however there is no way he had Homosexual Sex, at least that is what he is saying now. I imagine that he confessed to the Meth because it is pretty easy to verify.

    Edited for spelling, yes I know I have a problem!
  14. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Latest version is that he's admitted to meth and a "massage" (italics mine) from the person who he said he had never met and did not know.

    talk about a slippery slope..

    What if the service provider also made a video starring himself and the Rev, and that the Rev was unaware the video was being made? Stranger things have happened.
  15. georgie_girl

    georgie_girl Member

    Barney never got into trouble as long as he kept his bullet in his pocket!!!
  16. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    This Harrison guy has boasted about being an advisor to George W. Bush and that he has weekly conference calls with him. Great a Meth head providing advise to the President.

  17. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    You mean Haggard, right? Harrison is the sheriff, Haggard's the preacher. :wink:
  18. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Thank You :oops:

  19. mordorboy

    mordorboy Well-Known Member

    Interesting, I ate lunch with somebody today who knows the Sheriff and she wasn't aware of the affair until this week.

    Politcally motivated? Not sure what role Baker played, but obviously the Dr. wants to punish Harrison for not settling.
  20. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    who among us would not be tempted to rub his nose in it, especially of the Sheriff decided that he was right and the my attmempt to get his attention was not succeeding. Perhaps the Sheriff should have paid closer attention.

    How many times have we heard the old saying, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!"

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