Wake Sheriff Admits To Affair

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ncmom, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. softballmom

    softballmom Well-Known Member

    Where do I start?
    I do not live in Wake county, but I work there. The citizens of Wake county voted John Baker out for a reason! Donnie Harrison is a hands-on sheriff, and has done a lot for Wake county. Brought in police dogs, Baker thought they were a waste of money, this from a man who started an expensive renovation on a bathroom! By the way it was not finished when Harrison came into office, when he was asked what he wanted them to do about it, he told them to do what they wanted, he wasn't going to be using it. Baker won't be voted back in, I don't care how many people he buses to the poles this time.
    Alienation of affection? This one must go back to the dark ages! Seems to me a 35 year old women should know her own mind, and be in charge of and responsible for her actions. Donnie Harrison had just lost his wife, and was most likely vunerable, did it occur to anyone that SHE was most likely the aggressor? SHE is the cheater here! Her husband needs to get a grip, he is just angry because she made him look bad.
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    I have no idea as to the merits of Harrison or Baker as sheriff. I figure that the Wake voters will make their choice.

    You seem to blame her, and seem to want to give him a free pass because he lost his wife. I sympathize with his loss. I can not excuse the choice that he made, whether she was the aggressor or he was. Nor do I think she has any pass on this.

    Regardless of who the aggressive party was, both made immoral and, in this state, ILLEGAL choices. IF he wants to be the Sheriff, it's his sworn constitutional duty to uphold the law. All of them. And, if he won't do that, then he doesn't deserve to be sheriff.
  3. twowaz2fal

    twowaz2fal Well-Known Member

    It does seem that none of the blame is falling on the wife. She is the one who made vows to her husband. Was Sheriff Harrison wrong? Of course it was wrong, but that doesn't mean that John Baker is a better person for the job. They are both flawed human beings, but which one has done a better job of keeping the citizens of Wake County safe? Having worked for law enforcement in the Wake County Sheriff's building, I say that Donnie Harrison should be re-elected. I am a republican and a Chrisitan. Who knows what John Baker has done that has not been publicized?
  4. softballmom

    softballmom Well-Known Member

    You missed my point, which was that she is not even mentioned in all of this, and she is the one who has commited adultry!
    Donnie Harrison gets no "free pass" for his immoral actions, but what law is it that you think he has broken?
  5. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Technically so has he. :wink:

    The crime of adultery, which is still illegal in NC.
  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  7. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    That would be more of a civil claim allowed under the law than a real violation of law, which is subject to criminal action, would it not?
  8. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Granted not open for criminal action, but if I was this gentleman it would probably be the next thing I go after him on.
  9. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    I am surprised it has not already happened .... :wink:
  10. Fighting Camel Still

    Fighting Camel Still Well-Known Member

    Yes, you definitely want to sue someone for alienation of affection it they have an affair with your wife. Then you're really letting the public know that you ain't man enough to keep your woman satisfied. :roll:

    If they had only been married 5 months at the time the affair began, then there wasn't much there to start with.
  11. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    As opposed to a press release on the subject at election time? It seems that would be indication enough and the civil suit would probably have a better monetary return to boot.... :wink:
  12. Fighting Camel Still

    Fighting Camel Still Well-Known Member

    Did Dr Cook release it, or did he just threaten to if Sheriff Harrison didn't settle out of court? I thought Sheriff Harrison was the one that released it to the press.

    Disclaimer: I have known Donnie Harrison since he worked with the Highway Patrol and before he ever thought about be sheriff. I admit to bias up front about him, as he has always been a good friend to a lot of people.

    I've always thought alienation of affection lawsuits were for the most spineless of all men. Your wife is in control of herself...if she doesn't want you, quit being a sniffly little weasel and find someone else.
  13. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    From the original post in the thread, it appears it was Dr. Cook who made the original public statements

    Harrison acknowledged the affair after it was made public by the woman's husband, Andrew Cook. Cook is divorcing Jodi Cook after five years of marriage.

    It seems that he has done a good job other than this aspect of his personal life.

    Maybe he should have just shot them instead ... :shock:

    I would much rather see the legal options followed than the other more illegal options. It is a civilized thing ... :lol: :lol:

    While I agree there is no ownership, there is an effect and damges under the law. Unless and until the law is changed there is no need to use less legal means to "get even" or "get closure" which ever fits.
  14. Pepper Jack

    Pepper Jack Well-Known Member

    How much grief does one give a sitting County Sheriff on a civil matter. I'm not saying Sheriff Harrison would deal with things any differently than he has but that is a powerful position.
  15. Fighting Camel Still

    Fighting Camel Still Well-Known Member

    Maybe he should have just shot them instead ... :shock:

    I would much rather see the legal options followed than the other more illegal options. It is a civilized thing ... :lol: :lol:

    While I agree there is no ownership, there is an effect and damges under the law. Unless and until the law is changed there is no need to use less legal means to "get even" or "get closure" which ever fits.[/quote]

    Wayne, nowhere have I advocated settling things through violence or shooting someone. What I do advocate is being adult enough to know that you can't make someone love you no matter how hard you try, and to me a person looks a little juvenile running around talking about someone "stole" their spouse and wants compensation for it. Granted, if this was a 25 yr marriage I might be a little more sympathetic to the cause, but when you've been married 5 months and someone starts cheating on you....you ain't lost much, cause I don't think it was really yours to start with.

    Best thing to help him get over that woman, is another woman. He's had long enough to find one and move on.

    (From what was in the NEWSANDOBSERVER yesterday, it seems a patient of the doctor informed the newsmedia...so guess the Doctor and the Sheriff are both off the hook on who told it).
  16. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    I think this could get quite interesting if it goes to court for alienation of affection.

    An affair starts 5 months after the wedding date and continues for several years.

    What makes a woman have an affair that soon after her wedding day? And what would make her continue that affair for several years? Why not just divorce her husband? Harrison was single, due to the death of his wife, so they could have just moved on together.

    I could be wrong, but I don't think that Donnie Harrison is a Rockefeller or anything like that, so I don't think there's a money hook here.

    Something is very intriguing about this situation.
  17. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    With the increased risk if fatal STDs these days, what's to say that some of the Doc's concern might be that the trollop to which he was married might or might not have brought a little something extra home...Chlamydia is an STD that is usually undetected unless specifically checked for and treated. It can affect health. Other STDs usually have some symptoms, but may lie dormant over the years and emerge into its later stages. AIDs may be undetectable without specific testing.

    Perhaps the Doc had visions of family life like that he saw in a Norman Rockwell painting, and feels cheated out of his dream.

    Possibly, with NC being a community property state, Doc is suing to to preclude any alimony to the wife, which a court would take noticve of, especially if the court is presented evidence that she committed open and notorious adultery.

    I don't this as a emotionally damaged Doc seeking revenge. It may be more about the future of his health, or the future of his wealth.
  18. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    To the best of my knowledge the Doctor has not indicated anything about an alienation of affection suit. I mentioned it in regards to an inquiry on laws violated.
  19. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    The sheriff might have been wise to go public with this story a year and a half ago. Then it would be old news now, probably less a problem for his re-election campaign. The following information was in the N&O article of Nov. 3, kind of buried at paragraphs 14 and 15.

    NC is not a community property state. You are probably thinking of equitable distribution. The court divides the marital property between the parties in what it determines is an equitable manner. An equal division is normally presumed to be equitable. Marital property includes most property acquired by the couple during the marriage; what each brought into the marriage is separate property unless something occurred to make it marital property. The fault of the parties is not a factor in equitable distribution.

    Fault is, however, a factor in alimony. A wife who had an affair virtually throughout the entire marriage should not expect to receive alimony. An award of alimony requires a showing that the party asking for alimony is dependent on the other party for support, and that the break-up of the marriage is not the fault of that party.
  20. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the corrections.

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